Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Choclatea from Smile Chocolatiers

The word 'anti-oxidant' is thrown around a lot these days. But it isn't so much hype as semi-recent revelation. Anti-oxidants are the janitors of our bodies. They neutralize free radicals -- harmful molecules which can destroy cells and DNA. Getting enough anti-oxidants is quite important for our health.

So, the world of chocolate lovers sigh with collective relief after each new study comes out praising the anti-oxidants in cacao. One reason put forth to rectify the French paradox of eating so much fat and pastries while not all dying of heart disease is the anti-oxidant reserveratol in red wine. Also, the Japanese are said to age so gracefully because of the wonderful anti-oxidants present in their green and other teas.

Smile Chocolatiers (more specifically Joan Freeman) has done something really cool. Joan blended all of these things -- the chocolate, the tea, and the fruit to create a line of extremely flavorful chocolates and chocolate bars. The flavors are blended perfectly where spices, fruits and tea leaves make wonderful tastes found in perhaps no other fine chocolate. The added bonus is the 'trio of anti-oxidants' from dark chocolate, green, white, black and roiboos (African red bush) teas, cranberries, raspberries and pomegranate. 

I have to say the Pistachio Green Tea was my favorite. They all represent unique tastes not found anywhere else, but that flavor was perfect. Maybe it was the time of day or the mood I was in, or maybe it was something else completely. Whatever the case, Pistachio Green Tea was right on.

The 12 'sublime tastes' are:

Very Dark (72% pure cacao)
-Herbal Chai Tea
-Pomegranate White Tea
-White Tea
-Coconut Green Tea

Dark (64% pure cacao)
-Herbal Chai Tea
-Coconut Green Tea
-Wild Raspberry Tea
-White Tea

Milk (37% pure cacao)
-Wild Raspberry Tea
-Ginger Tea

White (37% cocoa butter)
-Rosemary Tea
-Pistachio Green Tea