Thursday, February 7, 2008

Cocoa Cassava Bar from Mercola Advanced Nutrition

ALWAYS  in the mood for chocolate, this nutritious bar hit the spot. The folks at sent me one a few days ago to try out, and I was quite impressed.

Let me first point out the impossibility of finding an energy/nutrition bar that actually provides energy and nutrition. When I go to Wal-Mart and browse the isles of synthetically concocted, mechanically processed, and laboratory derived muscle, energy, and meal-replacement bars I am usually taken aback by the wonderful claims so boldly pasted on the packaging. 

But, it only takes a moment to completely dispel the outrageous claims. Look for one product containing natural, healthy ingredients and lacking in the bad stuff. Just try it. Put one of every bar at the store with at least some redeeming, healthy looking ingredients in your basket. Now subtract the bars with common allergens: soy, peanuts, gluten, and casein. Let us get even pickier. Honestly, we are looking for healthy food here so take out the MSG, artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, and sugar. After this last step we are left with an empty basket.

Dr. Mercola realized, as we just have, there are no healthy options for a quick bit of energy on the go in one convenient, good tasting bar. So he made his own. I am often accused of being an obsessive label-reader and picky about my food choices, but I must bow in homage to Dr. Mercola's attention to detail in formulating this product. It has grass-fed, raw dairy whey protein, coconut oil, and chia seeds. The bulk is made of non-allergenic cassava flour, and it is primarily sweetened with blood-sugar neutral xylitol (a sugar alcohol). The flavor and namesake comes from dark chocolate chips and dutched cocoa, giving it a delicious taste.

This is a product I would keep in stock for when there isn't time or opportunity to prepare a decent meal, when I am away from a kitchen as on hikes or trips, and between meals when my energy dwindles.

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