Saturday, February 9, 2008

Numi Green Rooibos Herb Tea

My new favorite herbal tea is green Rooibos (usually pronounced "roy boss"). It has no caffeine, more antioxidant activity than green tea, and won't turn bitter. 

For years I have enjoyed normal African "Red Tea" for its unique, woody flavor and health benefits. Most of the brands I have used varied little in flavor. Numi Green Rooibos, however, is different because it is green, not red, owing to the fact that it is not sun dried like regular Rooibos. Also, bit of Honeybush is included for a sweet accent.

The high quality, flavorful, organic, and healthy herbal tea from Numi is best enjoyed in a quiet atmosphere. I have a cup with a book in the afternoon more often than not. On a cold day it is a real comfort.

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