Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Conclusion of a Concluded Debate: Is Organic Better?

Well it's settled, we can bust out the agave nectar and chug like its y2k+1. The heated debate over whether organic food is healthier than conventional food has been concluded yet again. This is just mind-boggling; The Organic Center creates a study to study past studies. This "study to rule them all" shows once and for all there is enough scientific evidence to say organic is better (this after years of studies leaning towards organic, including a $20 million EU-funded research effort.)

I am quite certain anyone even taking the time to read the review is already onboard the organic trolly of love and fresh pineapples. I am equally certain anyone reading the review is silently wondering, "Wait, this hasn't been settled yet?" Sure, it's another step to reinforce the enlightened organic view of the world. But it is also prolonging the ability of conventional agribusiness's to play upon the idea that there is still a debate.

Our course of action: Simply refuse to entertain the notion that organic food is the same as conventionally grown food.

Our reasoning: Common Sense.

If one becomes forced into a debate over the subject one might ask, "Tomato plus poison better than tomato?" (simple language goes a long way)

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