Friday, February 29, 2008

Coconut: The God of Oil

Never doubt the power of coconut oil. It is being quickly rediscovered to be among the healthiest oil we can make use of, period. It is the only oil we should use for cooking because it alone withstands the heat intact, it should be the only thing we use as a moisturizer or otherwise put on our skin and the taste is just plain delicious. There is nothing too great to be said of it. My ideal death would undoubtedly involve coconut oil.

So why is the stuff so emphatically hailed for it's gallantry in the world of oils and health? Personally, I feel it is because 76 degrees fahrenheit marks the divide between liquid and solid, making it easy to spread. But the real reason probably lies with it's medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). Most animal fats and vegetable and seed oils have long chain fatty acids (LCFA) which are difficult to digest, get stored as fat and are deposited in the arteries as cholesterol. MCFA's, on the other hand, are easy to digest, immediately sent to the liver and used as energy -- actually stimulating the body's metabolism.

One of the MCFA's is lauric acid. Lauric acid is found in large amounts in coconut oil. When consumed it is turned into monolaurin in the body -- a component widely studied and known for its tremendous effects on the immune system. The large amounts of these great fats and the near lack of omega 6 fats make it perfect for everyone. Coconut is one of the least allergenic plants on the planet.

To make a long story short, go buy coconut oil and spoon it into your mouth. It is one of the greats in terms of health benefits and should be used every day. It is great for aiding proper digestion. You can cook or steam vegetables with it for a great flavor boost. You can spread it on toast instead of butter. You can mix it into smoothies for extra energy and health. You can use it as a moisturizing lotion. You can do any number of things with it. I enjoy heating it into a liquid, pouring it in a scuba dry suit and pretending to be an astronaut. Love and respect, you know? That's what it's all about.

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