Tuesday, March 4, 2008

4-Egg Spinach French Omelet Recipe

This recipe is great. Spinach is one of those precious foods that shouldn't really be heated, but is there any other way to make a spinach omelet? As they say: you have to wilt a few spinach leaves to make a spinach omelet.

The spinach retains something of value even when heated, to be sure. Coconut is a robust oil and maintains its many healthy qualities even when heated. This recipe was taken from the website of the health food company Nature's Approved. The only thing I would change with it is the lack of cheese. Just think what a handful of feta or goat cheese could do for this omelet. To go one step further, imagine an omelet made entirely out of coconut oil. 

4-Egg Spinach French Omelet for Two

Makes 2 Servings


3 Tablespoons organic extra virgin coconut oil

4 Eggs, brown or white (free-range, organic)

2 Tablespoons Water

2-3 Cups Organic Spinach, fresh

½ tsp Black Pepper, ground

½ tsp Cayenne Pepper, ground

Salt, to taste


Directions:  In a bowl, beat eggs, water, (salt), black pepper and cayenne pepper. (Adding water makes the omelet light and fluffy, hence the ‘french’ part)  In a large frying pan, cook 2-3 Cups Spinach (or more, if you are a real ‘Popeye’) with 2 Tablespoons of organic virgin coconut oil.  Cook several minutes until wilted, then add into the beaten eggs. 

In the same large frying pan, add a dab of coconut oil or butter (to prevent the omelet from sticking) and heat pan. Pour whole mixture into pan and cook over medium heat for few minutes with lid off, for a few minutes, then lid on to ensure the top of eggs are cooked.  Remove from pan when lighted cooked. Check with spatula for doneness. 

[the recipe at the Nature's Approved website]

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