Friday, March 14, 2008

Eden Organic Pasta Pizza Sauce

Much can be said about pizza. The idea came from Italy where Roma tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and spinach represented the red, white and green of the Italian flag. Dominoes makes 1,000,000 pies a night in the US. And perhaps no other single food has caused so many heart attacks. Eden Organic Pizza Pasta Sauce is great for making a healthier home-made pizza pie.

The other day I made a pizza by simply spreading half the can over a hearty whole grain pizza crust. I topped it with grated mozzarella, havarti, and parmesan cheese. Popping it in the oven was followed by quick consumption (I ate the whole thing). I could have gone for two, but moderation is someone's virtue, to be sure. 

It is surprising how easy it is to make a good pizza, especially with a product like Eden Organic's Pizza Sauce. There are other options no doubt, but the organic ingredients and great taste make it infinitely more appealing than the trash you might otherwise use. Plus, the way I made the pizza one can would make two pies --  just about enough for hor d'oeuvres.

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