Friday, March 14, 2008

Gjetost Ski Queen by Tine: A Cheese Worthy of Your Personal God

I feel more strongly about this cheese than I do most other things in my life. I am willing to risk sacrilege on behalf of Ekte Geifost and Gjetost by Tine. So tightly bound in the vice-like grip of the mere taste-memory of the cheese, I would do terrible and illegal things to get more. 

It is a unique brown cheese from Norway, where the goats and cows live in paradise and drink 5 martini's a day. The result of mildly intoxicated livestock, blending of ingredients and slow cooking result in a smooth, sweet caramel flavor. Milk, cream and whey from cows and goats blend perfectly into an absolutely delicious gourmet cheese.

The first time I ate the cheese was last Summer in Denmark while visiting family. It was presumed the rich and heavy flavor might not be to my liking, but how this assumption could have been made I do not know. For, the divine properties of the golden fudge-like gift from above more correctly tastes you, instead of the other way around. The cheese makes a quick peregrination through your soul, and leaves a gift of sweet, nutty flavor in it's wake.

When I left Denmark I was sad for many reasons, not the least of which was the loss of a good friend: Tine cheese. I brought back a few blocks undeclared in my checked baggage. When these blocks were gone, a depression filled me and a deep well of emptiness opened in my being. But it was not long before Tine's Ski Queen cheese was found in the fine cheese sections of various grocery stores. 

It is this cheese that gives me hope. It is this cheese that gives me a sense of the bigger picture, of the greater things in life. It is this cheese that provides an example of perfection with which to emulate.

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