Saturday, March 15, 2008

Eden Organic Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

Normally spicy things repel me. I just didn't grow up eating anything spicy. On the rare occasions something spicy would end up on my plate I would take a bite and reel in pain exclaiming, "Sick! You people are sick! Masochists! Who would purposefully inflict pain upon themselves in this aweful way!?" 

But lately spicy has added a whole new twist to the food I love so much. It adds new depth to old foods and opens up an entirely new area with which to explore. Spicy can be downright healthy as well.

I had the pleasure of sampling a bag of Eden Organic Spicy Pumpkin Seeds the other day. Eden Foods has worked hard to create a high standard for themselves and this provides a nice amount of comfort and trust in the brand. They have been against genetic modification and irradiation forever, and meet and exceed most organic certifications. They keep salt to a minimum in their products, and they carry a variety of things. 

The pumpkin seeds are quite addictive. The spicy comes from cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is from the hot red chili pepper and named for the city of Cayenne in French Guiana. Cayenne has been used as an herbal remedy for nerve pains and upset stomachs. It is known as being anti-inflammatory and also a pseudo-antioxidant. What more, it gives the pumpkin seeds a nice twang to make it an interesting snack.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am SO proud of you eating spicy things!! Now I can cook for you more!!
