Monday, February 25, 2008

Garden of Life Living Foods Organic Whole Food Bar

This is not a bar. I can't even fathom the magnitude of linguistic truncations necessary to imagine, even for a second, that Garden of Life's Organic Fruits of Life Whole Food Bar is anything as trivial as a bar. No, this must be something else entirely.

The combination of whole fruits, vegetables, sprouts, fermented seeds, unprocessed honey, extra virgin coconut oil and probiotics make it an excellently accessible source of nutrients and energy for the body. Ease of digestion is something Garden of Life takes seriously and has put a lot of effort into achieving. What has been achieved is more than I'm used to in a bar.

The Living Foods Organic Whole Food Bar is what it is. The name gives it away. "Living" signifies the live foods such as enzyme-rich honey and live active probiotics. "Organic" means all the ingredients are certified to be of a high standard and lacking pesticides, herbicides, GMO's and other contaminants. "Whole Food" can only mean the fruits, vegetables, sprouts and seeds are intact and not isolated or processed.

The bar comes in four versions: Chocolate Covered Greens Chocolate Raspberry, Whole Food Greens Red Raspberry, Whole Food Antioxidant Matrix Summer Berry and Super Seed Whole Food Fiber Apple Cinnamon. I tried the Antioxidant Matrix Summer Berry and found it both delicious and satisfying. It is dense and takes on the color, texture and smell of it's wonderful ingredients. This bar raises the bar for bars.

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