Sunday, February 24, 2008

Yogi Tea Detox

Detoxifying the body is probably one of the most important tools for living a healthy life. The things we eat, drink, breath, and come into contact with all have a tendency to accumulate over time in the body. The liver bears the brunt of the responsibility of cleaning up these accumulated toxins. But the fact is today we are exposed to an alarming amount of toxins. It is always good, therefore, to consider aiding the liver by detoxifying from time to time.

There are many ways to detoxify. The most effective would be a genuine fast subsisting on nothing but pure water for an extended period of time -- from a few days to a month or more. A juice fast is easier but less effective. Fasting works to detoxify the body because without having to constantly digest food it can work on other things like cleaning out all the toxins. 

Easier but less efficacious are the many "cleanses" on the market. These are multi-step systems that induce the body to let go of it's toxins and the digestive tract to oust them at variable levels of thoroughness. The most effective of these while being gentle as to not cause harm is Perfect Cleanse from Garden of Life which I will review in a week or so.

At the bottom end of the detoxification spectrum are the herbal teas. These teas are gentle and safe for regular use. They work by including all sorts of spices and herbs in the brew which are traditionally and scientifically-backed as proven cleansing ingredients. Yogi Tea Detox falls in this category and is one of my personal favorites. 

Part of the tea's lengthy ingredient list includes burdock, dandelion, indian sarsaparilla, juniper berry, cinnamon, ginger, licorice, and dandelion. These ingredients make for a full-flavored tea with a robust, spiced flavor. The combination of all the flavors from fruits to spices create a very relaxing herbal tea that works immediately to aid the body and mind in the process of detoxification.

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