Saturday, February 23, 2008

Organic Shelled Hempseeds From Nutiva

Hemp foods come in all shapes and sizes now. The super-nutritious seed of the plant is worked into bars, oils, shakes, and powders in an ever-growing list of clever variants. The raw material, however, must always remain plain hemp seeds. It is therefore of the utmost importance for hemp food companies to produce the highest quality seeds.

I recently received some Organic Shelled Hempseeds from Nutiva and the company produces a mighty good seed of hemp. The flavor is one that really grows on you. It is never objectionable, but the more one eats the more one appreciates the delicate, nutty flavor. It really does taste similar to pine nuts. That point was noted on a piece of literature I received with the Nutiva Hempseeds and made me immediate ponder the possibilities of a hemp seed pesto.

I must confess I have an obsession with pesto. It is my belief that the majority of the world's problems can, in fact, be solved by pesto. For instance, during the most recent Christmas season I was suffering from the cold. When I went outside my ears would go numb, my toes would feel uncomfortable, and my nose would run! So I devised a sophisticated goat cheese, cilantro, and extra garlic pesto to solve the problem. I am convinced of the efficacy of my endeavor as the sun has, indeed, been in the sky longer and longer each day, signifying the approach of warmer weather!


Ryan said...

Hey Cuz. Intriguing site. You're going to get me into shop.

Ryan said...

shape too......