Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Organic Hempseed Bar from Nutiva

 There have been so many of these things lately. They are dense, amorphous, sticky, and retain the shape of the packaging for only a short time after being removed. But, they are undeniably healthy -- and addictive. They are bars made out of seeds held together by honey. 

At times in the health food world both company and consumer become bogged down by the myriad of scientific studies, claims of mutually exclusive ideology, and personal interest. Let me give an example. Kelsey enjoys raw food. She sees Harry eating a pork chop and yells, "Hey, I read in a scientific journal that when food is cooked the enzymes are denatured and your body has a hard time digesting it!" Harry is quiet for a moment before regaining his composure and retorting with, "My acupuncturist told me my chi is running slowly and I can only eat cooked food because it is easier to digest!"

With these kinds of conflicting messages flooding the isles at every health food store how can a company reach the consumer with their product and the message it carries? Simplify. The fewer ingredients a product has, the louder the message becomes. This straight-forward approach has proliferated and is perhaps best illustrated by the seed and honey bars oozing over the shelves on hot days and breaking molars on cold ones.

As noted above, they are simply delicious. Nutiva sent me an Organic Hempseed Bar today and I have to say right now it is the best tasting "seed and honey" bar I have tried to date. The bar is made of honey and sunflower, hemp, flax and pumpkin seeds. The 5 organic ingredients blend together in good fashion. The 40g serving is composed of 14g fat, 5g fiber, 5g sugar, and 9g protein. Nutiva is quick to point out the lack of omega 3 and excess of omega 6 fats in most peoples' diets. Therefore a need for omega 3 is met with hemp and flax seeds serving as ideal sources.

The Health Food Purist notes the low amount of sugar in the bar and the equal amount of fiber which slows the sugar's digestion. Also noted is the healthy fat and superb levels of omega 3. The protein from the hemp and other seeds complete the simple bar wonderfully and alludes to the Organic Hempseed Bar being a perfect energy bar for athletics and outdoor activities.

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