Sunday, February 17, 2008

Perfect Meal by Garden of Life

I've been looking for insurance lately. I'm a tall, skinny, health-conscious guy, and I go to the gym everyday. Therefore, I have to take seriously the duty I have to my body to get enough nutrient-dense calories. Failure to fulfill this duty might mean death (6'2" and 155 pounds). So as an "insurance policy" I have incorporated a newly discovered "meal supplement" into my diet. 

Perfect Meal by Garden of Life is a powder one mixes with water and drinks about an hour before a meal to provide healthy, natural alleviation to food cravings and help the following meal from getting out of hand in regards to it's calories. It has 19 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, 5 grams of fiber, 3 grams of sugar, and a full 6 mg of probiotics per serving. There are also ingredients to slow the carbohydrate digestion and keep blood sugar stable. 

At this point you're thinking, "this seems like a strange addition to the diet of a tall, skinny guy who burns more calories lifting the fork to his mouth than the food on the fork can provide." But, it actually works wonders in my case. At no point in my day do I really feel full. It is the strangest thing. Very rarely will I feel I have eaten enough. After eating 3 or 4 times the amount I see on other peoples' plates I know I am physically stuffed but I crave food nonetheless. 

Perfect Meal is loaded with protein and fiber which fill me up right. So, at each meal of the day I still eat a comically large amount of food, and between meals I drink a glass of water with 2 scoops of Perfect Meal. In this way I am actually increasing my total caloric intake for the day. The protein is from native whey which means undenatured, non-isolated, minimally processed, bioactive and natural. The sweetness comes from xylitol which is a sugar-alcohol and doesn't spike blood sugar levels. The Health Food Purists' demands are met.

Of course for most people the drink would cut appetite quite a bit. It is, after all, designed to do so. I think it's ironic I'm using a meal supplement designed to "reduce hunger and help manage food cravings" to help me gain weight. All the ingredients are great quality and add a lot to my overall health as well as help me feel full. As with all Garden of Life products I have a significant level of respect and trust in it. Garden of Life fits the label "purist" more than most companies I can think of. 

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