Thursday, February 14, 2008

Annie Chun's Sushi Wraps

When I reflect at just how far we have come as a society I am amazed. It used to be, even in my lifetime, that when the word "sushi" was mentioned people would think of raw fish and be revolted. In the states we have taken food aesthetics and processing a bit too far. Indeed, if something wasn't sterilized and reformed into a consistent, uniform commodity, well then, it was just too dangerous to eat.

But, now-a-days we find the word "sushi" topping the list of the most popular and chic foods to eat. Recently I found Annie Chun's Sushi Wraps at the local health food store, and was delighted by how easily I can now enjoy sushi. 

The Sushi Wraps box comes complete with sticky rice, nori (seaweed wraps), and soy sauce. To make sushi just heat the rice, pad it into the nori strips, add a filling, and roll. I use my electric water pot to heat the rice, and avocados, cucumbers, peppers, and carrots serve as a filling. 

As a health food purist, I would ideally keep the grain out of my diet. But, as the amount of rice in sushi is quite small there isn't much of a problem. We can also take solace in the fact that the rice is gluten free so if the soy sauce is eliminated there are no longer any major allergens. Additionally, the problem of dangerous mercury levels in almost all tuna that might be used as a filling in the sushi doesn't present itself because I have no access to fresh fish anyway (I don't trust Wal-Mart enough to even consider the store as a source for my fish).

While there is no comparison to the stuff found at an authentic Japanese sushi bar, Annie Chun's Sushi Wraps are better than no sushi wraps at all. The product is easy to use and appreciated when living 1000 km from the nearest ocean. We have come far as a society, indeed.


Cameron Banga said...

You have me interested in these sir.

Stephen Hudak said...

Well, I will make them some time and have you over to try them, we can even call it a date.