Monday, March 31, 2008

Fruit, Nuts From Nuts Online

There's a time and place for everything. To extrapolate from this adage, there is most assuredly a product and taste for everyone. In the health food world of commodities the consumer is presented with a marvelously huge selection. But as one (especially one who is new to health food) soon realizes, there are a limited number of staples which must be continually purchased to satisfy anticipated usage.

A problem is usually noted at this point: most health foods come in small packages. Common solutions are funny to watch. Sometimes the cart, basket or organic cotton reusable grocery bag is filled to the brim with fifty-two 4 oz packages. Other times, arrangements are made to get a discount by buying cases of the product at a time. This translates into fifty-two 4 oz packages in a cardboard box at maybe 15% off. Yet another method I've been introduced to recently is the co-op. A group of families orders products from a distributor -- cutting out the retailer -- in bulk.

There are more solutions, however. One way to buy healthy foods in healthy amounts is Nuts Online. The company is already one that I like. The website tells a tale of how one man's entrepreneurial spirit and determination became a thriving multi-generational and family-oriented business. Weighing that against a corporation suffering from giantism, corruption and environmental concerns there is no question which I would choose to patronize.

Nuts Online offers a huge selection of nuts, fruits, coffees, teas, seeds, spices and more. And there are many options such as raw, organic etc. to satisfy even a Health Food Purist. Prices per pound with increasing bulk savings presents a solution to the problem of health foods in small packages.

Nuts Online recently sent some of their popular products my way:

Turkish Figs - Historically I've never had much interest in figs. I think one time long ago I must have had a bad experience or something. But to my surprise the figs from Nuts Online were soft and really, really good.

Mixed Nuts - Here's a great product. A combination of every nut I could think of if I had to make a list on the spot, save pine nuts. But on that note, the pine nuts are nearly half the price as would be found at a normal retail store.

Goji Berries - This hot Himalayan Fruit is in so much demand these days. I've noticed people get really picky about them, even for a purist. The berries from Nuts Online had no additives and were exceptionally soft for what is usually a very tough fruit.

Dried Strawberries - With nothing else, these freeze-dried strawberries had more flavor than I am used to. Great for mixing into yoghurt and cereal, or by itself.

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