Sunday, March 30, 2008

Stop Eating These Four Foods For Better Health

There is this popular saying used to brush off the idea that what one eats might never be acceptable. It goes like this: 'Everything in moderation.' This pithy, clever expression contains much wisdom, and indeed proves a safe way to avoid harm. But there are some things I do not believe the body should be subject to -- even in moderation. 

To this end, I have compiled a short list of foods I believe to be unforgivable as well as the reasons why. It would do one well to realize these foods are a health risk not worth taking. And unless one wants to be done up at last, one should consider seriously the purist approach to these foods: cut them out completely.

1. Doughnuts

The healthiest part of a doughnut is the hole in the middle. Doughnuts are so uniquely unhealthy it boggles the mind. They are fried, full of sugar and white flour and contain comically high amounts of artery-choking trans fats. It is as if they were designed to make people fat and die of heart of disease. One doughnut will run you 200 to 300 calories and spike your blood sugar like there's no tomorrow. 

2. Soda

The number one source of calories in the US is now soda. The average American drinks about 60 gallons per year. One can of soda has 10 teaspoons of sugar and 150 calories, not to mention the caffeine and artificial colors and flavors. But at a fast food joint it is not uncommon to see drinks approaching 42 ounces. Simple logic would then allow us to make the assertion that one might take in up to 35 teaspoons of sugar from the drink of a fast food meal alone. Diet Soda is no savior -- artificial sweeteners like aspartame are serious neurotoxins that are increasingly being linked to diseases such as MS, Alzheimer's and others. 

3. French Fries

Potatoes are composed primarily of simple sugars that will raise blood sugar and blood insulin levels. When potatoes are fried they have the added bonus of trans fats and acrylamide which is a very potent carcinogen. Polyunsaturated oils (canola, soybean, safflower, corn etc.) used to fry the french fries are also very unstable, becoming rancid when exposed to oxygen and forming unhealthy free radicals in the body. 

4. Chips

Until recently most chips contained trans fat. Some still do. But even without the trans fat chips have the high potential to contain the carcinogen acrylamide like french fries and most fried food.

By simply eliminating these foods from your diet, you will significantly improve your health. This can be one of the easiest ways to improve your overall wellness, or it can be a struggle.

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