Saturday, March 29, 2008

Living Harvest Brand Hempmilk

Milk is from mammals, or so I thought. I was under the impression milk had to be milked from an animal. If you are like me, the revelation of an alternative to this simple idea will rock the foundations of everything you used to know as truth (or not).

The soy industry produces the majority of these 'alternatives to dairy' but they are also made of rice, almond and, so it seems, hemp. What constitutes a 'milk' capable of replacing milk? Almost universally found in these products are vitamin D, appreciable levels of protein and calcium. These traits cover a lot of the nutritional reasons people drink milk to begin with, but are more viable options for vegetarian, vegan and lactose-intolerant people.

But, as big as soymilk and the soy industry has become, there still remains a huge debate about whether or not soy is actually the miracle food the industry claims it to be. Of course, a lot of the studies pro and con will be found to be funded by the soy and milk industries, respectively. Additionally, many people are allergic to soy.

In any case, people seek alternatives to the alternatives -- and of one great alternative I know of no one who can claim to be allergic to or against on health grounds. That alternative is hempmilk.

One glass of Living Harvest Hempmilk has 900 mg Omega 3 fat, every essential amino acid, 4 g digestible protein, many essential vitamins and minerals and nearly 50% RDA of calcium.

One glass is also rarely enough, because this drink is delicious. Of the 3 flavors I have tried, not one let me down. The original is nutty, creamy and goes perfectly with smoothies or by itself. It is just sweet enough not to taste strange as other hempmilk products sometimes do.

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